Walter and Daisy Carson Latham 

Walter and Daisy Carson Latham were lifelong educators in the Pitt County Schools System. Many of their years of service to education were in Bethel. Walter Latham was a math teacher, principal, and coach. He also participated in extracurricular activities and was known to be a mentor to many students. Daisy Carson Latham was primarily a history teacher but also taught other classes and helped with extracurricular activities and school clubs. Both Mr. and Mrs. Latham retired from education in Bethel. Over their combined years in the Bethel School system the Latham’s influenced, guided, educated, and supported decades of Bethel citizens.

Walter Latham grew up in Bath, North Carolina and attended Elon College (now Elon University.) After graduation he found himself in Pitt County teaching in Stokes. He transferred to Bethel High School in the late 1930’s. Daisy Carson was raised in Bethel at the Ward House. She attended Peace College in Salem, NC and returned home after obtaining her teaching degree from Salem College. The two met and the rest is history.

Mr. and Mrs. Latham raised their family in the Ward House for many years, attended the Bethel Methodist Church, and were active community members. When the time came to construct a new home, the Latham’s did not travel far, building their new home right next door to their former home. Both remained in Bethel for the rest of their lives and are buried in the Bethel Community Cemetery.

Their legacy reaches far beyond Bethel and Pitt County. The Walter and Daisy Carson Latham Clinical Schools Network is one example of how their love and dedication for education continues to support North Carolina schools, educators, and students. 

To Learn More About The Walter And Daisy Carson Latham Clinical Schools Network visit the link below: